We headed to an undisclosed location in Ukraine along with Fight For Freedom, bringing in food and supplies from Romania.
It was the deepest we’d gone into Ukraine as a team and you could tell by the sides of the streets. Barricades were present, cement barracks were on the side of the road and soldiers patrolled with machine guns. The Russians had yet to make it this far into the country but as a strategic point along a River, the nation was in a constant ready-mode.
As we neared closer to our drop-off location, we came across beautiful castles, established in the 14th century. We all looked out our van in awe at the marvelous structures. Soon, we saw lines and lines of people. But then, in an instant, our hearts sank. We noticed the lines were going in two separate directions.
One line was vacationers going to the castle which met up with another line going the opposite direction, this line was for food. There were 1,500 refugees to the city that were waiting for Fight For Freedom’s arrival to pass out food and supplies.