A group from 501 Collective is flying out of snowy PDX tomorrow to head back to Romania and Ukraine.
It’s not a team but rather, a collection of people with different purposes and timeframes but the same heart. As our work in Romania and Ukraine has grown, varying opportunities to assist and serve have come about. And we are excited to share with you some of what is happening.
When our first team went to Romania nearly a year ago, we had some lite partnerships but were mainly there to find people to connect and serve with. Immediately, we were drawn towards the amazing work of FFF.
A year later, Brian and Susan Stubbs from Salem, OR will be heading to Romania for nearly 3 months to serve at FFF managing much of the day-to-day so that the locals can focus more on rescuing children and taking care of the local refugees.
Rebekah Holmes from Idaho will be traveling with the group to explore potentially moving to Romania to serve upwards of 6 months.
Tom Baker and Christa Jackson will be heading there (Tom’s 4th trip, Christa’s 1st) to prepare Christa for leading a team of 10 college students in July.
And Alec Leetch (3rd trip) and friend will be heading back to help with medical training for those serving in Ukraine.
When it comes to 501 Collective, there’s not necessarily an ‘agenda.’ As Tom puts it, “We find a need and fill it.” 501 Collective never knew they’d be in the ‘medical’ business. But last minute a year ago, Alec joined the team. And then our driver Paul met a woman in Ukraine who needed help with some medical training. Paul thought of those he’d been driving around with 501 and reached out. And just like that, Alec and his medical partner are on their way back.
We have teams going over the next 12 months and all of those spots are filled. But that doesn’t mean others can’t be involved or even go themselves. If you have interest or a group (Bible Study, community group, or even a Pickleball team!), we can help organize a team to serve in Romania/Ukraine. Reach out to Tom Baker tom@501collective.org or John Ross mr.jwross@gmail.com.
Sometimes with humanitarian trips, you go in, serve, lend a hand, and go to the next spot. And sometimes, you go in, and you become family. And when it comes to family, obviously, you have to go back! We’re thrilled that so many who have gone once are going twice and three and four times. Because that’s what it’s about, sustained, real relationships. The ones that become like family.